CADRE 1.02 CADRE FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS - UNLICENSED EVALUATION SHAREWARE BY CADRE ANALYTIC =================================================================== INTRODUCTION: CADRE 1.02 is a Windows 3.1 finite element structural and dynamic analysis program used for calculating displacements and loads in static structures, or frequencies and modal vibration shapes in dynamic structures. This unlicensed shareware version is made available for evaluation purposes only. CADRE 1.02 is compatible with Windows 95. WHATS NEW WITH THIS EDITION: 1) CADRE 1.02 has been modified to make it compatible with international number formats set in Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. 2) CADRE 1.02 provides a feature to print to a file with field separators. These allow importation of the output into a spreadsheet where the data can be acessed by graphing software. FURTHER INFORMATION: To obtain specifications and the latest file see The Official Developers Home Page on the Internet: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: IBM or compatible 386 with 4 megabytes RAM minimum. IBM or compatible 486 with 8 megabytes RAM recommended. MicroSoft Windows 3.1 (or Windows 95) operation system. Windows 3.1 compatible Printer with TrueType Fonts SETUP: 1) If you downloaded a packed self executing file cd102.exe: The self extracting file first displays a dialog box to allow selection of a temporary directory to put the initial unpacked files, then the files will be automatically extracted to the temporary directory of your choice. If the directory doesn't exist, then it will be created. After unpacking, the installation program will automatically be executed provided you leave that option checked in the initial dialog box where you chose the temporary unpacking directory. If you had unchecked that option, then to continue the installation, you must go to the file manager and click on the file SETUP.EXE in the temporary directory. You can now delete the temporary directory (i.e. C:\Cadtemp ) and all of its files after saving CD102.exe somewhere for safe keeping. Alternatively, the files in the temporary directory (excluding CD101b.exe) could be copied to a floppy to create a standard setup disk for CADRE 1.02. 2) If you downloaded a file named you will need to aquire an unzipping utility. We recommend PKZIP by PKWARE or WinZip by Nico Mak. Both are available as shareware. Unzip the file to a temporary directory. Then go to the file manager and click on the file named SETUP.EXE as explaned in (1) above. 3) If you are using a CADRE 1.02 setup disk follow the directions on the Label and setup it up from the Program Manager in Windows 3.1. 4) During installation you may receive a notice such as: "Unable to copy DDEML.DL_ - file in use". This may be caused when other windows programs are in use. This notice almost always occurs if you are using Windows 95. If you get this message, just press OK to ignore it because if you're using it, you already have it on your system anyway. 5) At the end of the setup routine you are asked if you want to add the extension ".fem" to the association list in your WIN.INI file. Choosing YES, you will always be able to execute a ".fem" file by clicking on it in the File Manager. You can always set this up later right from the Windows 3.1 File Manager by choosing the Associate item under the menu File item. GETTING STARTED: The best way to get familiar with CADRE is to go through the sample exercises in the Help - Getting started file on the main menu bar. This contains 6 exercises to lead you through examining, creating, and solving both static and dynamic models. SAMPLES: An instructive group of samples are provided with the setup Disk. They are sumarized in the file SAMPLES.TXT. The help file is extensive, context sensitive, and is intended to be an online manual for CADRE 1.02. You can use the F1 key when any form is displayed to get help on that form. Although the evaluation version of CADRE 1.02 provides the full set of features and capabilities for building finite element models, The best and easiest way to construct large complex models is with the special tools offered in most drawing applications then converting these to DXF files and subsequently to CADRE FEM files. Conversion utilities both to and from DXF files are provided free to registered CADRE users. Conversion utilities to convert between measurement systems (Metric, English) are also provided free with registration. ADVANTAGES OF REGISTRATION: 1) Support in the use of CADRE by the authors who are also registered professional engineers. Richard yarges, PE Tel: 206-937-4632 Internet Compuserve 102174,1157 Jim Haynes, PE Tel: 206-392-4309 Internet Compuserve 76345,355 Address: CADRE Analytic 7238 39th Ave S.W. Seattle, WA 98136 or: CADRE Analytic 2035 201st Ave. S.E. Issaquah, WA 98029 2) Latest update of the CADRE 1.02 setup disk (without the shareware notices). 3) Bound CADRE user manual with a variety of exercises. 4) Problem notices. CADRE will advise registered users of any discovered problems ASAP. CADRE Analytic also would appreciate notice from users of any suspected problems. 5) Free DXF file conversion utilities so that models can be developed in a variety of drawing programs and imported to CADRE. 6) Free Factoring and Converting utility used for converting between systems of units (Metric, English, etc.) for all or portions of the data file. 8) Free Beam Making Utility for modeling continuous beams. REGISTRATION: Registration can be accomplished by mail to CADRE Analytic 7238 39th Ave S.W. Seattle, WA 98136 or: CADRE Analytic 2035 201st Ave. S.E. Issaquah, WA 98029 or through the Compuserve shareware registration forum. GO SWREG Registration Number: 6356 File: CD102.EXE The price for registration is $62.00 plus $5.00 handling payable to CADRE Analytic ($7.00 handling outside Canada/USA/Mexico) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------